August 2nd 2007. I got up at 6 and went to the park at the foot of the lake. It's a good time to go as there are only a few people there at that time. I had been there a day or two before and had taken some photographs. When I saw how they came out with the colors and the light making such desirable effects I decided to go back again at the same time of day to get the same kind of sunlight. I'm pleased with the way it came out.
Owasco Lake is a tranquil place in the early hours of the morning. Being a life long resident of the area, this is a familiar scene and the smooth natural contours have impressed themselves into my mind so that they are at home in me and I with them.
Standing at the end of the East Pier looking south around the bend and straight down is Moravia.
The lake begins about 11 miles south at Moravia. It is one of the Finger Lakes, gouged from the earth by the activity of glaciers long ago. This knowledge that we are not in control and that something else makes things happen above and beyond all we can do is sobering. It is also illuminating.Back at the beach, in Emerson Park there is the pavilion. A place where 3 or 4 generations of young people have come to go through the courting ritual of the dance, end up married and raise families. It offers a ballroom style ambiance in a rustic setting with a fantastic multi-faceted mirrored chandelier that reflects the light in colored splashes all over the dance floor. Local bands play.
Some return to collect their memories

This photographic slide show finds me thinking of all those things.¤t=575aa4c1.pbw
Photographs and text Copyright 2007 David H. Roche