This poem is the result of thinking along spiritual lines. In the text are hyper links to the spiritual concepts referred to. Some from science, some from the bible, some from other spiritual traditions.
Click the title of the poem and up pops a lecture by Richard O. Brown, Neuroscientist. He explains the relationship of mind and matter in a talk titled 'The Neuroscience of Nothing'.
The Mind and Matter Ditty
Mind and matter,
thought and deed,
like God and me,
mind and matter God and me
dance together internally.
Mind and matter,
thought and deed,
like God and we,
mind and matter God and we
dance together eternally.
Mind and matter,
matter and mind
dance with God
in the ballroom of time.
"The Mind and Matter Ditty" (C) 2012 by David H. Roche
a Clear Running Water State of mind
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Friday, March 30, 2012
Bluebird Manifestation From Seed
The two pictures on the page are the same image. I added nothing to it from another image. The changes came about as the result of the application of the software and my mind.
The bottom image emerged quite spontaneously while monkeying around. I thought, 'damn' that looks like a bluebird.
If you read the text at the link you'll find some interesting information about birds in mythology. Click here for a photograph of a bluebird.
I was looking through old images to see if I could find anything that appealed to me. I approach the task of making pictures from other pictures with the idea that everything has infinite potential. It is an E=MC2 kind of thing in a spiritual context. Matter is said to hold prodigious amounts of energy. Any image holds much more inside of it when reduced to small pieces and rearranged. I guess that is what is happening. Anyway its fun to see what appears.
Click here for a video of the development from first image to last image.
All images (C) 2012 David H. Roche
The bottom image emerged quite spontaneously while monkeying around. I thought, 'damn' that looks like a bluebird.
If you read the text at the link you'll find some interesting information about birds in mythology. Click here for a photograph of a bluebird.
I was looking through old images to see if I could find anything that appealed to me. I approach the task of making pictures from other pictures with the idea that everything has infinite potential. It is an E=MC2 kind of thing in a spiritual context. Matter is said to hold prodigious amounts of energy. Any image holds much more inside of it when reduced to small pieces and rearranged. I guess that is what is happening. Anyway its fun to see what appears.
Click here for a video of the development from first image to last image.
All images (C) 2012 David H. Roche
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
I took a photograph of a full moon and fiddled with it.
Here is the starting point. I enlarged the moon to fill as much of the available space as possible without distorting its spherical shape. In the second and third pictures I added a fractal image that had quite a startling effect.
As I worked on it the apparance changed.
Click for video.
Photography and text (C)2012 David H. Roche
a Clear Running Water state of mind.
Here is the starting point. I enlarged the moon to fill as much of the available space as possible without distorting its spherical shape. In the second and third pictures I added a fractal image that had quite a startling effect.
As I worked on it the apparance changed.
Click for video.
Photography and text (C)2012 David H. Roche
a Clear Running Water state of mind.
Monday, March 26, 2012
I wrote this poem after a summer of gardening. I had grown peppermint and other cooking herbs. I used the peppermint as a cooking herb.
Cover pork with fresh mint leaves and see how good it is. I also used it for tea. In the end I used it for this poem. Click on the photographs to enlarge for greater detail.
The flesh
of a potato
tells me
God is love.
No butter
salt or pepper;
only white steaming flesh
in a tough brown skin.
I imagine an ancient man
digging roots and wrapping them in leaves
to roast under the moonlight
while he looks up and wonders.
Peppermint grows luxuriantly in impoverished soil. Its roots multiply into a mounded mass which rise up from below the surface of the earth. If you are a typical American it is a wild unmanageable mass of weeds needing to be poisoned. If not, you bow your head and say 'grace'.
As I was digging up the root mass to prepare for another garden the fragrance of mint from the apparently dead mass of plants rose from the ground. It hit my nose and made me feel good. I began to think of ancient man digging in the earth and finding a sensory delight like peppermint or a potato. How good he must have felt! I bet he remembered what to look for after that.
It was the scent of the somnambulant herb rising from the sleeping earth which was the incipient inspiration for the poem.
But later I found myself with a bowl of lentils, oregano from the garden and the taste of thin broth that brought the poem to its place in time. This meal was the immediate precursor of the poem.
I love this song by the Moody Blues and it seems to fit.
Text photograph and art (C) 2012 David H. Roche
a Clear Running Water state of mind
Cover pork with fresh mint leaves and see how good it is. I also used it for tea. In the end I used it for this poem. Click on the photographs to enlarge for greater detail.
The flesh
of a potato
tells me
God is love.
No butter
salt or pepper;
only white steaming flesh
in a tough brown skin.
I imagine an ancient man
digging roots and wrapping them in leaves
to roast under the moonlight
while he looks up and wonders.
Peppermint grows luxuriantly in impoverished soil. Its roots multiply into a mounded mass which rise up from below the surface of the earth. If you are a typical American it is a wild unmanageable mass of weeds needing to be poisoned. If not, you bow your head and say 'grace'.
As I was digging up the root mass to prepare for another garden the fragrance of mint from the apparently dead mass of plants rose from the ground. It hit my nose and made me feel good. I began to think of ancient man digging in the earth and finding a sensory delight like peppermint or a potato. How good he must have felt! I bet he remembered what to look for after that.
It was the scent of the somnambulant herb rising from the sleeping earth which was the incipient inspiration for the poem.
But later I found myself with a bowl of lentils, oregano from the garden and the taste of thin broth that brought the poem to its place in time. This meal was the immediate precursor of the poem.
I love this song by the Moody Blues and it seems to fit.
Text photograph and art (C) 2012 David H. Roche
a Clear Running Water state of mind
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Saints, Sinners and Others
I began playing with an image of flames which I had snapped in my wood stove a few years ago. The 'spirit' like figures are portions of the flame I zoomed in on. I thought they looked enough like forms to convey the idea of 'Spirits'. The other images are those I made at different times while playing around with images and
The street scene consists of the flame images as well as the diner. I attempted to produce a bewildering sense of intoxication and hallucination. The initial image of the diner and sidewalk was titled 3 a.m.
All night diners in the wee hours are neat. All kinds of people, in all sorts of states of mind come in at 3.a.m
The video is made up of the art and of Christian evangelists preaching to passengers in passing cars and warning them of their impending appointment with hell.
They were on all 4 corners of a very busy intersection. Several held books in their hands. I couldn't tell how many of them were shouting at the passing cars. But they waved their books in the air as they shouted. Some of them were carrying signs.
(C) 2012 David H. Roche a Clear Running Water state of mind
Sunday, March 18, 2012
In The Beginning ... God
The art work above is my attempt to represent God creating the world.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ:
for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth;
For therein is the righteousness of God revealed
from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Romans 1: 16-18 (KJV)
In the beginning was the creative language and the creative language was God. Does that sound a little different from the statement it is borrowed from?
“In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”
John 1:1-4 (KJV)
I have bolded the designation 'Word' it is a hyper link with additional information from various sources explaining the use of this mysterious designation and how it relates to divinity. We will take a look at this unusual use of language in a way not ordinarily used.
The link included is to a lecture on the topic of ‘Logos’ ie the meaning of ‘Word’ in the human race. It was humans who invented the terminology to describe God. The lecture is in multiple parts and it adds a lot to the understanding of the Christ event.
Some features come to our attention regarding Christ from these two passages.
1. His eternal nature.
2. His participation in the origination of the things created.
3. He is the source of life.
4. His life is the ‘Light’ of the human race.
Proclaiming this is the task assigned to those who have come to know the Logos. Here is how it was done the first time. It’s an amazing scene. Try to visualize what is happening during the very first gospel sermon.
In this, the first gospel message, Jesus of Nazareth is proclaimed as having been executed and risen from the dead now seated in heaven in the most auspicious of situations.
This revelation of the living resurrected Christ was the substance of the first proclamation of the gospel of Christ. This message was first spoken to a confluence of Jewish religious adherents who had traveled to worship during the feast days of that religion. He pointed out who Jesus was and what their fellow religionists had done to him.
The scene is summarized in the following passages.
“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly,
that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart,
and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles,
Men and brethren, what shall we do?
Then Peter said unto them,
Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ
for the remission of sins,
and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
Acts 2:36-38 (KJV)
Read the account of the day of Pentecost over to your self. The risen life of Christ is the focal point. The apostles are directing the assembled religious pilgrims to heaven where Christ is seated.
Paul, later on did the same thing in reference to the life of the resurrected Christ as the life of men. In Colossians, he begins his treatise with these words:
“If ye then be risen with Christ,
seek those things which are above,
where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”
Colossians 1: 1-3.
So far what do we know about Jesus, the Christ of the Jewish Messianic tradition?
To sum it up he is the eternal source of not only our existence, but everything else as well. Within this tradition, he is the creator of all that is able to be experienced or known.
For about 3 decades the eternal God walked among us. He taught of a spiritual reality that he claimed would result in social discord. It would also disrupt the closest of social relationships, the family. But he claimed it offered in place of those things a complete liberation and salvation from the claims of the grave. And he claimed the teaching would bring peace and healing. Not the ordinary kind of conclusion you'd expect when you think of disrupting the family and social relationships of a society.
He was executed as a result of teaching these things. The accusations implicit in that teaching subverted the current religious orthodoxy. But the gospel proclamation is that he lives and that his life is the light of men. Faith in the gospel is an acceptance of all the things we can find in the knowledge of Christ.
For many people only 3 decades of Jesus’ life are seen as the substance of the gospel. I consider this an impoverished view of a knowledge that spans eternity. It is a perspective easily used to detract from the life that is ours in God in Christ.
As we have noted Jesus is first and foremost the eternal creative intelligence responsible for all existence and experience. He was flesh only briefly to reveal the life he had to offer and then he was gone back to wherever it is that God resides when he is not incarnated.
He was not separate from himself when he was incarnated. He was God with us, in solidarity with us. He spent his time seeking to reveal the light which is the life of men. This life is now residing in heaven where the believer is seated in Christ and in the heart of the believer on earth. In this context Christ, heaven, the believer and earth are inseparably linked.
The light of Christ reveals the heart of the impulse of the universe is nurture expressed as love. Look at how Jesus talks about the reality he represents and wishes to have abide in our consciousness where the Spirit can teach us.
“Neither pray I for these alone,
but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee,
that they also may be one in us:
that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them;
that they may be one, even as we are one:
I in them, and thou in me,
that they may be made perfect in one;
and that the world may know that thou hast sent me,
and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.”
John 17: 20 - 23 (KJV)
Click here to read the context of the last few things Jesus said to his disciples in John 14-17.
So this is what we know about Christ. He is the eternal God. He came in a Jewish context with a teaching appropriate to the entire human race.
He introduced information to human minds that was so seditious it threatened both secular and religious security. And these were the reasons revealed in the New Testament for his execution. Church and state conspired to kill Jesus just as it is doing today.
Beyond that brief passion in the flesh Jesus was always and remains the eternal God. He claims to be the Alpha and Omega the beginning and end of all existence and experience. And in some divine mystery this Christ has set loose information for our minds to interact with. Information that is seeking our approval.
The gospel is that information and it declares that eternally God is with us. For Christ is God with us and he is eternal. The gospel reveals to us our welcome by God not as something added on because we sinned, but as a revelation of the eternal light to draw us back. It is not only saying now you can have it if you repent. It is saying from all eternity this has been the nature of Gods thought toward you. The universe is a friendly place if you know you are in Christ who is in God and that you are one in God in exactly the same way that Christ is in God.
That’s all metaphysics, but creation is quite physical and so are we. In the Christian story Jesus is said to have made the world and given it to mankind represented by Adam and Eve.
In Christian thought man is obliged to take care of the earth which was placed under his care. So far he has shown God just what he thinks of the earth.
I have a couple videos on the theme of how God feels about this.
There is much more than an ecological slant to the gospel but it is one very important aspect because it refers directly to the creator. The respect we show creation is an indication of the knowledge we have of Christ. Jesus, in the Revelation of himself, reveals the future we can expect due to our choices with regard to respecting the environment. He takes it with more seriousness than congress does.
I have made a couple short videos on the topic. Click to see The Sad Story of Adam and Eve.
Click to see my video Radical Christianity on Youtube
Bible texts are from the KJV in the public domain.
The photographs, videos and text written by me are
(C) 2012 by David H. Roche
A Clear Running Water state of mind
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Kali the Unusual Kitten
I gave Kali her name because she has tri color features and calico sounds pretty. But since she is a tortoise shell and not a genuine calico I spelled her name Kali. It made sense to me at the time.
Kali and two male siblings were born to an unwed mother under my trailer. Being a Christian I enticed them to become civilised as the only way to save them from the wild dissolute lifestyle their mother would surely teach them. It was relatively easy enticing them with food as kittens. But their mother didn't fall for it. She seems content to live off rats and handouts and make more kittens. Often in the middle of the night. Just their singing before sex is amazing to listen to at 3 a.m.
Well, the kittens have fully paid health insurance including reproductive health benefits. I'm not one of those Christians against birth control. Apparently I'm not against socialised medicine either.
Kali has some really weird traits. She materializes and dematerializes. It's unnerving to actually see it happen. Usually I just notice that she's done it. I happened to have my camera out and caught her in the act of materializing. Actually seeing it happen right in front of you that's is something that defies description.
Kali also happens to be the name of a Hindu deity.
Photographs of Kali and story about Kali (C) 2012 David H. Roche
a Clear Running Water state of mind.
Fireworks Over The river
I made a picture of the Astoria-Megler Bridge and added to it a fractal. I was just experimenting to see what happened. I liked the result and it looks as if there are fireworks in the background.
It has a feel to it that is both natural and somewhat beyond natural.
(C) 2012 by David H. Roche
a Clear Running Water state of mind
It has a feel to it that is both natural and somewhat beyond natural.
(C) 2012 by David H. Roche
a Clear Running Water state of mind
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Boo and Lucky. This was a common sight. Boo and Lucky could be found snuggling at some point every day.
Boo got a fast growing cancer. You can see it on her thigh. She died after having her leg amputated. Lucky was at loose ends when Boo was no longer around. It was clear to me her absence unsettled Lucky.
Lucky is now the only cat remaining from New York. Those missing have been replaced by three kittens given me by God and one by the local pound.
On the bedspread with Lucky are Bobbi, Not-Spot, Spot and Kali.
Lucky loves his new housemates. When Five, the last of my cats from New York, died Lucky was visibly upset as he was when Boo died. I went to the pound and rescued Bobbi and he loved that. Now with the kittens he seems well adjusted and happy.
Lucky was a stray picked up in a parking lot after being abandoned as a small kitten. That is how he got his name.
Photos and text (C) 2012 David H. Roche
a Clear Running Water state of mind
Monday, March 12, 2012
Mother Earth Blues
I began with this picture and wanted to see what was in it. It is a rock on the sand of the beach at Hug Point along the North Coast of Oregon. When I took the picture I could see shapes in it that were made by nature. I emphasized them to differing degrees in the images following.
I was really intrigued by what appeared to be a body stretched out on the left side of rock. There is a main face and numerous faces within the body of the rock. I named the resulting art 'Mother Earth' with the idea in mind that from the earth the forms of life have emerged.
I added a landscape to remove the glaring white in the upper left corner'
Another variation in an overall brighter presentation shows the features I had seen at first when I took the original picture. I copied some features, not many to create a sense of balance. I sharpened and highlighted the shapes I saw. In this image the figure of the 'body' on the left is quite clear.
One last version of it. The different emergent forms are plainly visible the presentation is in an earth type of color tone.
This last image is the result of playing with the fractal tool to which I added the original picture. I altered this quite a bit and it was fun to make. I named it 'En Garde'
This song by the Doors came to mind as Mother Earth appeared sorrowful and worried for her offspring.
All photographs and text created by David H Roche (C) 2012
a Clear Running Water state of mind.
I was really intrigued by what appeared to be a body stretched out on the left side of rock. There is a main face and numerous faces within the body of the rock. I named the resulting art 'Mother Earth' with the idea in mind that from the earth the forms of life have emerged.
I added a landscape to remove the glaring white in the upper left corner'
Another variation in an overall brighter presentation shows the features I had seen at first when I took the original picture. I copied some features, not many to create a sense of balance. I sharpened and highlighted the shapes I saw. In this image the figure of the 'body' on the left is quite clear.
One last version of it. The different emergent forms are plainly visible the presentation is in an earth type of color tone.
This last image is the result of playing with the fractal tool to which I added the original picture. I altered this quite a bit and it was fun to make. I named it 'En Garde'
This song by the Doors came to mind as Mother Earth appeared sorrowful and worried for her offspring.
All photographs and text created by David H Roche (C) 2012
a Clear Running Water state of mind.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Political Nightmare
Politics Is For Dreamers
Politics is for dreamers
who dream awake or asleep;
leaving the rest of us wonder
about saving body and soul
while politicians dream the dreams
we read in the news.
Politicians must think this is what we want.
I visited the Portland Vietnam Memorial. It is a solemn place. A wonderful large open area full of roses and spaces of natural green and quietness that leads to a place where missing people are mentioned by name. Those named are those who never came back and were never heard from again after entering the contrived hell of the Vietnam War.
From there the path leads to a tranquil forest like setting where all dissolves into peace and tranquility. It is a peacefully designed setting which leads you to wonder at the wisdom of letting other people make choices for you. I was deeply silenced after leaving this place.
Today politicians are still dreaming.
Click to see a photographic visit to the Portland Vietnam Memorial.
All images and words by David H. Roche(C)2012 a Clear Running Water state of mind.
Politics is for dreamers
who dream awake or asleep;
leaving the rest of us wonder
about saving body and soul
while politicians dream the dreams
we read in the news.
Politicians must think this is what we want.
I visited the Portland Vietnam Memorial. It is a solemn place. A wonderful large open area full of roses and spaces of natural green and quietness that leads to a place where missing people are mentioned by name. Those named are those who never came back and were never heard from again after entering the contrived hell of the Vietnam War.
From there the path leads to a tranquil forest like setting where all dissolves into peace and tranquility. It is a peacefully designed setting which leads you to wonder at the wisdom of letting other people make choices for you. I was deeply silenced after leaving this place.
Today politicians are still dreaming.
Click to see a photographic visit to the Portland Vietnam Memorial.
All images and words by David H. Roche(C)2012 a Clear Running Water state of mind.
A Coot In A Pond On A Sunny Day
Coots are aquatic birds but they are not properly called ducks. They do this on sunny days and rainy days and never seem to complain. Their feet look like a chicken's foot that started to become webbed and didn't quite finish the task. They are as much at home on the land and adapt readily to the presence of humans who feed them. On land their mannerisms resemble those of chickens; that and their black plumage lead them to be called Mud Hens.
I was intrigued at the way the image of the coot and its reflection are not the same. I did not alter it to look like that. The coot has it's bill shut, but in the reflection on the water it's bill is wide open. An interesting look simultaneously at one thing from two sides.
This is an artistic event that occurred after meditating on the coots who had just finished mating in the yard across the street before I went out with the camera.
Art, video and photographs (C) 2012 by David H. Roche
a Clear Running Water state of mind
You can read a brief article about the North American Coot by clicking on the title.
Friday, March 09, 2012
Unless It Turns Out Jesus Lied (a pro peace poem based on John 17)
Click on the title to read John 17.
Unless It Turns Out Jesus Lied: (a pro peace poem based on John 17)
A Christian
not a pacifist
is an almost virgin bride,
unless it turns out
Jesus lied.
(Matt. 5:38 - 48)
The quandary:
Loving the ‘other’ as myself is doubtful
without Christ, the mirror,
where I see
the eyes of the ‘other’
looking back at me.
(Gal. 3: 27, 28)
A confession of faith:
Yes I love you as myself;
to be 'in Christ’ means
harming you harms me
if Christ is true
and we are free.
In Christ I know
war is fratricide;
unless it turns out
Jesus lied.
(Matthew 25: 31-46)
Poem by David H. Roche (C) 2012 a Clear Running Water state of mind
The reason the poem was written.
This poem is the result of coming to faith in Christ. It was very difficult for me because I was raised in a traditional Christian family who repeated to me what someone had caused them to believe.
Growing up I liked Jesus despite the fact he was eavesdropping on my thoughts and writing things down to hold against me at a future date. But it was touch and go and I was also terrified he would return and kill me. Somehow I knew he was okay.
In my particular religious format Jesus was explained poorly. As I expanded my looking into the matter I found it was not only a problem associated with my denomination it was embedded in the nature of the Christian church itself.
At the age of 58 I said to myself one day I cannot accept that the earth was made in 144 hours anymore. That is exactly what the spiritual authorities of my former denomination teach to this day. The earth was made in 6 literal contiguous 24 hour days. When I realized I had been convinced to believe that it dawned on me people can be made to believe the most obviously absurd things.
I felt as if I had been duped by religion and I despised it not knowing how else to relate to it. However I still knew deep inside of my heart that there was something in Jesus that was calling me. I had to struggle a long time internally. But it was worthwhile.
I found so many parallels in the teaching of Jesus in the thought of Lao Tzu, Buddhist philosophy; native religion and Vedic thought that my faith in Christ sprang to life again. I guess I was truly born again.
From 2004 until the present the understanding I have wanted seems to have been revealed in the Messianic traditions of the earth and seeing the parallels to my Christian tradition I understood how they fit with the knowledge of Christ.
I despise religion even more today, but now for reasons I understand. Religion is designed to keep people from growing in the knowledge of Christ. To say it plainly religion functions as an anti-Christ.
"Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:" Ephesians 1: 9-11 KJV public domain.
I urge you to read the bible texts associated with the poem.
Somehow I knew this would be true and as far as I can see it is. And the best part is that it undermines the mind control like authority that ordinary religion depends on and by which it darkens the gospel of Christ. Believers are truly liberated.
Unless It Turns Out Jesus Lied: (a pro peace poem based on John 17)
A Christian
not a pacifist
is an almost virgin bride,
unless it turns out
Jesus lied.
(Matt. 5:38 - 48)
The quandary:
Loving the ‘other’ as myself is doubtful
without Christ, the mirror,
where I see
the eyes of the ‘other’
looking back at me.
(Gal. 3: 27, 28)
A confession of faith:
Yes I love you as myself;
to be 'in Christ’ means
harming you harms me
if Christ is true
and we are free.
In Christ I know
war is fratricide;
unless it turns out
Jesus lied.
(Matthew 25: 31-46)
Poem by David H. Roche (C) 2012 a Clear Running Water state of mind
The reason the poem was written.
This poem is the result of coming to faith in Christ. It was very difficult for me because I was raised in a traditional Christian family who repeated to me what someone had caused them to believe.
Growing up I liked Jesus despite the fact he was eavesdropping on my thoughts and writing things down to hold against me at a future date. But it was touch and go and I was also terrified he would return and kill me. Somehow I knew he was okay.
In my particular religious format Jesus was explained poorly. As I expanded my looking into the matter I found it was not only a problem associated with my denomination it was embedded in the nature of the Christian church itself.
At the age of 58 I said to myself one day I cannot accept that the earth was made in 144 hours anymore. That is exactly what the spiritual authorities of my former denomination teach to this day. The earth was made in 6 literal contiguous 24 hour days. When I realized I had been convinced to believe that it dawned on me people can be made to believe the most obviously absurd things.
I felt as if I had been duped by religion and I despised it not knowing how else to relate to it. However I still knew deep inside of my heart that there was something in Jesus that was calling me. I had to struggle a long time internally. But it was worthwhile.
I found so many parallels in the teaching of Jesus in the thought of Lao Tzu, Buddhist philosophy; native religion and Vedic thought that my faith in Christ sprang to life again. I guess I was truly born again.
From 2004 until the present the understanding I have wanted seems to have been revealed in the Messianic traditions of the earth and seeing the parallels to my Christian tradition I understood how they fit with the knowledge of Christ.
I despise religion even more today, but now for reasons I understand. Religion is designed to keep people from growing in the knowledge of Christ. To say it plainly religion functions as an anti-Christ.
"Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:" Ephesians 1: 9-11 KJV public domain.
I urge you to read the bible texts associated with the poem.
Somehow I knew this would be true and as far as I can see it is. And the best part is that it undermines the mind control like authority that ordinary religion depends on and by which it darkens the gospel of Christ. Believers are truly liberated.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Kitty Treats
Kitty Treats
They’ll never be lap cats,
the feral kittens at my feet
who look to me for food
and come with me to sleep.
They do not let me pick them up
they still have wildness in their eyes,
but they like the kitty treats
and sometimes are surprised
to find themselves on my lap
in search of kitty treats
I hide.
Poem and photo (C) 2012 David H. Roche a Clear Running Water state of mind
They’ll never be lap cats,
the feral kittens at my feet
who look to me for food
and come with me to sleep.
They do not let me pick them up
they still have wildness in their eyes,
but they like the kitty treats
and sometimes are surprised
to find themselves on my lap
in search of kitty treats
I hide.
Poem and photo (C) 2012 David H. Roche a Clear Running Water state of mind
Monday, March 05, 2012
Sun Worshipers: a political farce
Breaking News
Spoof News Net: President Offal announces new solar initiative in the war on terror
Anxious citizens gathered expectantly today waiting to hear President Offal make the official announcement of the proposed new generation of solar collection stations that would rejuvenate the local economy. The unveiling of an artist’s perception of the planned solar collection station on the top of Pommel Mountain recreational area was designed more as a promise as no electricity would be produced for at least a decade. But it was a promise. Whether it was genuine or fraudulent remains to be seen but it is a promise that the people need now even if it turns out to be a lie.
Due to national security interests involving worsening relations with oil producers in almost every place on the globe the green trump card was pulled from the bottom of the political deck. Standardized ‘Green’ technology contracts had already been drawn up and the call sent out as an incentive. “The new industry,” the President explained would, “contribute to the continued good health of Wall Street without need of being slaves to an oligarchy of carbon terrorists as we are today.”
Locally the desperate homeowner on the brink of both unemployment and foreclosure saw it as a ray of hope shining on a future that had become hopelessly bleak. The promise of jobs seemed almost too good but it did offer a sliver of hope. Several environmental restrictions were quickly set aside rapidly spawning a spate of innovative solar designs in the war on terrorism.
The first generation prototype of a breath taking and visually stunning solar collection station was represented on a billboard sized painting. The solar collection station, SCS, dubbed the ‘Solar Servant’ was oo’d and aah’d over by those who were present. The atmosphere was festive, but it was a festivity created by the promoters and the presence of the local high school marching band having nothing to do with how they felt. All who were there had an ominous sense that this was their last chance, their very last chance. After chafing for years from the spiked collar of high petroleum prices around their necks they were willing for anything that would release them from the ever skyrocketing energy costs and make their lives normal again.
Below is the artist's depiction of the proposed SCS.
A local timber company had contracted to remove the timber for a roadway to the work site at the mountains summit, the President told the crowd. They had already received a contract of $55,000 to remove the timber for the building of the roadway and preparation of the construction site. “Money that will go into the pockets of people right in your community.” The assembled audience cheered loudly for several minutes.
The President continued revealing his vision for the nation. “The smart developer taking advantage of opportunities presented by the federal government then is able to resell the 'trash' which is really quality timber. In effect we are blazing a trail to a brand new and virtually limitless government pork barrel of corporate profits and community success. This initial project has already been examined with interest as a possible option by other communities and the first tree had not been removed. Fellow Americans, things are looking up;” the President beamed. “I see jobs, I see hope. I see a better America.” He was a splendid orator and the crowd was at the point of grasping at a hope as flimsy as this and was ready to sell their future to the sun. And why wouldn’t they be, he had used the magic word “hope”? He exuded hope, and it was contagious.
Environmental groups, as expected, were out in force. Twenty or so scruffy and disruptive hecklers interrupted the President's remarks several times, claiming, among other things, that he was raping a virgin forest. The President responded to the small but vocal group of environmental whacko’s as well as the decent citizens assembled saying: "In the interest of national security, the U.S. having pissed off most of the oil producers in the world, must exploit this inexhaustible resource. You are going to have to get used to it. We must all sacrifice for the common good. Be sure to turn the heat down, the air conditioning up and the lights off when not in the room. Now let’s all pull together and beat those evil terrorists who are holding us hostage with carbon.” His words created an image of the future in their minds and it was a bright sunny future filled with hope and blue skies. But unknown to them, somewhere in the blue skies vultures were flying. The shadow they cast was small, almost invisible now, but in days to come it would darken the land.
The President’s message, however, was like water to a parched garden in a drought. It was received well by the vast majority who quickly set upon the small group of terrorist environmentalists beating them to a pulp and leaving them to nurse their wounds. Then spontaneously the vast majority of the crowd began chanting “Offal, Offal, Offal and burst into singing ’God Bless America’ as they went to their cars to go home or the beer concessions for conversation. The President was visibly moved at the response.
It was a stirring moment. Some in the crowd with an entrepreneurial bent were overheard discussing the possibility of a solar theme park attraction at the base of the SCS. It would replace the mountain that was the initial attraction but which had to be sacrificed in the war against the terrorist carbon oligarchs.
(C) 2012 David H. Roche a Clear Running Water state of mind
Spoof News Net: President Offal announces new solar initiative in the war on terror
Anxious citizens gathered expectantly today waiting to hear President Offal make the official announcement of the proposed new generation of solar collection stations that would rejuvenate the local economy. The unveiling of an artist’s perception of the planned solar collection station on the top of Pommel Mountain recreational area was designed more as a promise as no electricity would be produced for at least a decade. But it was a promise. Whether it was genuine or fraudulent remains to be seen but it is a promise that the people need now even if it turns out to be a lie.
Due to national security interests involving worsening relations with oil producers in almost every place on the globe the green trump card was pulled from the bottom of the political deck. Standardized ‘Green’ technology contracts had already been drawn up and the call sent out as an incentive. “The new industry,” the President explained would, “contribute to the continued good health of Wall Street without need of being slaves to an oligarchy of carbon terrorists as we are today.”
Locally the desperate homeowner on the brink of both unemployment and foreclosure saw it as a ray of hope shining on a future that had become hopelessly bleak. The promise of jobs seemed almost too good but it did offer a sliver of hope. Several environmental restrictions were quickly set aside rapidly spawning a spate of innovative solar designs in the war on terrorism.
The first generation prototype of a breath taking and visually stunning solar collection station was represented on a billboard sized painting. The solar collection station, SCS, dubbed the ‘Solar Servant’ was oo’d and aah’d over by those who were present. The atmosphere was festive, but it was a festivity created by the promoters and the presence of the local high school marching band having nothing to do with how they felt. All who were there had an ominous sense that this was their last chance, their very last chance. After chafing for years from the spiked collar of high petroleum prices around their necks they were willing for anything that would release them from the ever skyrocketing energy costs and make their lives normal again.
Below is the artist's depiction of the proposed SCS.
A local timber company had contracted to remove the timber for a roadway to the work site at the mountains summit, the President told the crowd. They had already received a contract of $55,000 to remove the timber for the building of the roadway and preparation of the construction site. “Money that will go into the pockets of people right in your community.” The assembled audience cheered loudly for several minutes.
The President continued revealing his vision for the nation. “The smart developer taking advantage of opportunities presented by the federal government then is able to resell the 'trash' which is really quality timber. In effect we are blazing a trail to a brand new and virtually limitless government pork barrel of corporate profits and community success. This initial project has already been examined with interest as a possible option by other communities and the first tree had not been removed. Fellow Americans, things are looking up;” the President beamed. “I see jobs, I see hope. I see a better America.” He was a splendid orator and the crowd was at the point of grasping at a hope as flimsy as this and was ready to sell their future to the sun. And why wouldn’t they be, he had used the magic word “hope”? He exuded hope, and it was contagious.
Environmental groups, as expected, were out in force. Twenty or so scruffy and disruptive hecklers interrupted the President's remarks several times, claiming, among other things, that he was raping a virgin forest. The President responded to the small but vocal group of environmental whacko’s as well as the decent citizens assembled saying: "In the interest of national security, the U.S. having pissed off most of the oil producers in the world, must exploit this inexhaustible resource. You are going to have to get used to it. We must all sacrifice for the common good. Be sure to turn the heat down, the air conditioning up and the lights off when not in the room. Now let’s all pull together and beat those evil terrorists who are holding us hostage with carbon.” His words created an image of the future in their minds and it was a bright sunny future filled with hope and blue skies. But unknown to them, somewhere in the blue skies vultures were flying. The shadow they cast was small, almost invisible now, but in days to come it would darken the land.
The President’s message, however, was like water to a parched garden in a drought. It was received well by the vast majority who quickly set upon the small group of terrorist environmentalists beating them to a pulp and leaving them to nurse their wounds. Then spontaneously the vast majority of the crowd began chanting “Offal, Offal, Offal and burst into singing ’God Bless America’ as they went to their cars to go home or the beer concessions for conversation. The President was visibly moved at the response.
It was a stirring moment. Some in the crowd with an entrepreneurial bent were overheard discussing the possibility of a solar theme park attraction at the base of the SCS. It would replace the mountain that was the initial attraction but which had to be sacrificed in the war against the terrorist carbon oligarchs.
(C) 2012 David H. Roche a Clear Running Water state of mind
Sunday, March 04, 2012
America The Beautiful
I got to thinking about what is being done to the world as a result of addiction to profit. One president has called us oil junkies but he missed the mark, below the scab of addiction to oil is the root of the disease. Profit. I can guarantee that if profit were not possible men would not undertake enterprises that lay waste to everything as they seem to be doing at present.
Of course no one will decide to abandon profit. So I have made an artistic work depicting 'America The Beautiful': 15 years after the Keystone Pipeline. It is art and social commentary. It was a nice world and maybe Jesus will return and fry the bastards who ruined it like he promised he would. Maybe not, maybe we will just die in our own garbage and that will be that. But Jesus' POV does show a sense of divine displeasure at the way men have treated the earth. Leave it to Jesus to rock the boat!
15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. Revelation 18:15- 21 KJV (public domain)
The article at the link below describes the dangerous road our addiction to profit has set us walking down.
Below is what to look for 15 years after we feed the profit monkey on our back oil from the tar sands of Canada. This is one point of view, the other side simply claims they are benefiting humanity and causing no harm at all. Figures never lie, but quite often liars figure. Click on the image to enlarge it.
This image is in the same vein as the first it is titled 'Power Struggle' depicting the relationship between nature and industrialism.
Visionary misfits have always seen where the path leads and no one listens beyond stopping to call them fools or worse.
Artwork is the product of David H. Roche, a Clear Running Water state of mind.
If you click on the title at the top you will see a short video I made.
Of course no one will decide to abandon profit. So I have made an artistic work depicting 'America The Beautiful': 15 years after the Keystone Pipeline. It is art and social commentary. It was a nice world and maybe Jesus will return and fry the bastards who ruined it like he promised he would. Maybe not, maybe we will just die in our own garbage and that will be that. But Jesus' POV does show a sense of divine displeasure at the way men have treated the earth. Leave it to Jesus to rock the boat!
15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. Revelation 18:15- 21 KJV (public domain)
The article at the link below describes the dangerous road our addiction to profit has set us walking down.
Below is what to look for 15 years after we feed the profit monkey on our back oil from the tar sands of Canada. This is one point of view, the other side simply claims they are benefiting humanity and causing no harm at all. Figures never lie, but quite often liars figure. Click on the image to enlarge it.
This image is in the same vein as the first it is titled 'Power Struggle' depicting the relationship between nature and industrialism.
Visionary misfits have always seen where the path leads and no one listens beyond stopping to call them fools or worse.
Artwork is the product of David H. Roche, a Clear Running Water state of mind.
If you click on the title at the top you will see a short video I made.
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- The Shaman
- A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.