One of the results of using fossil fuels is burning down the house, so to speak.
We were told a rise in global temperatures and a rise in sea level would be some of the initial results of continuing to use fossil fuels.
Responding quickly and intelligently to climate change was quickly understood to be the 'party pooper' of profitable consumer based societies. And beside that, we were having too much fun to think about doing anything about it until it became, some will say, "obvious" and others, "too late". At that point all we did was argue about whether our science and our eyes could be trusted more than the words of our leader and those profiting from the situation. Article by Eric Holthaus.
Ending the use of fossil fuels will require a reorganization of the priorities society has so far been operating under.
Profit must be made a subordinate value when compared to preserving the earth as a place to live and raise children and get old and die.
Do you really feel we were born to self destruct chasing our every desire? We chose to go the way of 'profit' as the supreme value. That choice has led us to the present place in time where we are forced to consider the reality of our extinction along with most of the rest of life on the planet. The irony is we did it willfully to ourselves. What a sorry bunch of choices we have made. We can now choose to do what should have been done decades ago or sit down to the supper of fools. "The Supper Of Fools" is a poem I wrote as a sarcastic appraisal of our consumer based society.
Fossil fuels will kill us if given the chance.
Ending the use of fossil fuels will require a reorganization of the priorities society has so far been operating under.
Profit must be made a subordinate value when compared to preserving the earth as a place to live and raise children and get old and die.
Do you really feel we were born to self destruct chasing our every desire? We chose to go the way of 'profit' as the supreme value. That choice has led us to the present place in time where we are forced to consider the reality of our extinction along with most of the rest of life on the planet. The irony is we did it willfully to ourselves. What a sorry bunch of choices we have made. We can now choose to do what should have been done decades ago or sit down to the supper of fools. "The Supper Of Fools" is a poem I wrote as a sarcastic appraisal of our consumer based society.
Fossil fuels will kill us if given the chance.
Killing off the earth for a buck or a lot of bucks just doesn't make sense unless one values what can be gained from doing it. A few whose priorities do not include, life, health, peace or justice have decided to pursue profit no matter what the cost may be. Rachel Frazin writing in The Hill wrote this on the topic.
We possess a strange state of mind when, so called, reasonable adults can argue that carbon dioxide continually added to the environment will not cause a problem eventually. Even a child knows better than that.