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Wednesday, October 07, 2020

America Is Waist Deep In It Again

 Important notice to the reader.  Google says you should be aware of the following information.


Note: after posting a group of 13 alleged pro-nazi, pro Trump terrorists were arrested by the FBI for plotting to kidnap the governor of Michigan.  Report here from Democracy Now. 

During the contentious period of the 1960's America was involved in losing a long protracted war with the small nation of Vietnam far away from American shores.  The period was contentious because the war was an illegal war and American teenagers were being forced against their will to fight the war. 

In the end over 58,000 Americans, average age close to 19, died waging this war.  During that period Pete Seeger sang a song the censors didn't like.  "Waist Deep In The Big Muddy" finally made it to TV on a popular socially conscious variety program, The Smothers Brothers. that was subsequently canceled because of its social commentary. 

So now that you've listened to the song you can see Americans in the 21st century are waist deep, neck deep, almost over our head in another 'Big Muddy' and once again the Big Fool is saying "push on."

If all we are being told about the President's health and those around  him is true we're in deep trouble. It means the President, as demonstrated by his behavior and rhetoric, doesn't care if WE THE PEOPLE live or die. He is fully aware of the deadliness of the virus and yet his public behavior is telling people to ignore the proper health precautions. 

The heads of the military are all in quarantine meaning our military response is in one way or another restricted.  The President is responsible for this. The President is denying reality as the second wave of the COVID pandemic sweeps across the states. America is in deep trouble if this trajectory is not altered. Why is the President behaving so dangerously and erratically?  

If the internal threat to domestic welfare and tranquility poised by the virus and the President were not enough there is the threat of White Supremacist violence. The Trump Administration has embraced this ideology and has emboldened his base to accept violence and heavy handedness as the proper way to govern. Trump has done this while denying a White Supremacist threat is real. In doing so he's, in effect, calling the investigators liars or dummies. He's ignoring the warning the way Bush did.

I am reminded of the G.W. Bush Administration which also ignored intelligence about national security issues. By doing so Bush allowed the WTC Buildings to be demolished by Saudi Arabian funded criminals. We still haven't won the war he started over that, but we're still providing him his pension and healthcare. 

My question for you is this.  Will Trump's refusal to acknowledge a national security threat from his White Supremacist base as well as the COVID virus lead to an all out race war and societal devastation in the same way as the willingness of George Bush to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING lead to the demolition of the WTC by foreign nationals and a war still going on in one way or another to this very day?

The reader may have noticed that America has been acting more strangely than ever during the Administration of Donald Trump. I think this is because the Republican Party in partnership with Donald Trump has sold us out to the highest bidders and the Democratic Party has stood there saying 'Yes sir, yes sir,' like a eunuch in the court of the king.

The madcap display of a COVID infected President riding the crest of a steroid high telling the American people to stay strong and beat the virus is about the greatest insult to decency this Administration has committed. SO FAR.

Have a nice day! Be careful who you vote for.

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.