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Friday, January 08, 2021

Coup With A Whiff of BULLSH*T (commentary on Donald Trump's failed coup)

I've never been as surprised as I am now. All the kings horses and all the kings minions can't put Trumpty Dumpty together again.  After this moment in American History anything that resembles Trumpty Dumpty will be considered anti American. It's been a wild 5 years from start to finish. We began with MAGA, 'Make America Great Again'. It's ending with LUDT, 'Lock Up Donald Trump'. The 'Tide of Democracy' has changed.

In case you've been recently awakened from a coma you KNOW the President took an unprecedented stand against the idea of democracy. He did this by encouraging crowds of angry, revolutionary-minded (for the most part) white people by instigating them to overthrow the decision of Congress to officiate in recognizing Joe Biden as the President Elect.

 Those angry white people trashed the legislative center of the nation  in support of Donald Trump's plan to make America Great again. They paraded through the nerve center of American freedom like Sherman through Georgia but they carried the Confederate Flag. 

You don't need a news commentator to explain what that symbolism means and the kind of America Trump wants for us all.

Senator Romney was surprised to witness the President's most recent behavior as well myself and a good number of others. He shared his thoughts with his fellow Americans on the President's attempt to overthrow the  legally elected government of the United States. There's video of him doing this provided by the Global News YouTube channel

Major American news media are telling the President in one way or another that it's time to get his fat ass and bullshit out of the White House.  

Americans have seen a failed attempted coup by Donald Trump and his revolutionary guard.  His would be revolutionaries must feel as if he has made chumps of them all when he encouraged them to break Federal Laws. 

Now they have to pay for what they ended up doing. He convinced them to commit acts of sedition and insurrection which they willingly and gleefully engaged in. Who's sorry now? "If the President said to do it, that makes it legal." That's the law in Trumplandia.

Some have compared this attempt at overthrowing the Government of the United States to the events of "9 / 11".  I think they were referring to a renewed sense of patriotism which is expected at times like this.

When I witnessed the lack of response by the police charged with protecting democracy at its source (the Capitol) I was also reminded of 9 / 11 and the response of those we trusted in at that time.  

On both instances there was a similar lack of response from those charged with protecting WE THE PEOPLE. On both occasions when WE THE PEOPLE needed it most we were let down by those we trusted most. Why do those we trust fail us when we need them most?  We had better find an answer to that question if we know what's good for us.

This has been a coup attempt with a 'whiff of bullshit'.  It looks as if Trump's Folly might have failed... for the time being. Let us pray that we will immediately recognize when the Trump Philosophy raises it's ugly head again in some other format so we can nip it in the bud instead of letting it grow and bear fruit as we have done.  Trump and the Republican Party had 4 years to make America great. How would you rate the job they did?

Something to spend part of the day thinking about. 

Have a nice day.

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.