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Thursday, January 20, 2022

Ready Or Not Change Is Coming To America

America is being destroyed from the inside out.  A lot of people know, or suspect, that it is so and are tiptoeing around the topic. The hard truth is that Americans have been left out in the cold by the two dominant political parties. Those would be the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. 

Both parties have behaved as if the welfare of the Voting Class was not associated with governing. As it turns out both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have financial relationships that preclude taking anymore than a passing interest in the welfare of their constituents which I refer to as the Voting Class.

The financial relationships the Republican and Democratic Parties are involved with are the root cause for the present state American society finds itself in right now. This outcome turns out to be a real big assault on the concept of democratic forms of government. A democratic form of government is government where the citizens take care of their own welfare through processes they imagine, create and control. These financial relationships, to which the Republican and Democratic Parties willingly wed themselves, make a democratic form of government out of reach for Americans.

There's no need to prove the notion that corporate money is adverse to democracy.  IT IS ADVERSE TO dEMOCRACY BECAUSE IT INFLUENCES THE GOVERNMENT'S DECISIONS. The financial relationships that define and inform the Republican and Democratic Parties I summarize as "The Corporate Donor Class".  The Corporate Donor Class are 'people' who are not citizens, not human, and who are disallowed by law from voting themselves. 

Even though the Corporate Donor Class cannot vote those that comprise the Corporate Donor Class control most if not all of what Republicans and Democrats decide to do. The influence of the Corporate Donor Class  is the one major impediment Americans face when wondering why it is so difficult to fully realize the dream of a democratic republic. It is hard for most Americans to conclude that the Corporate Donor Class is at fault when the Republicans and the Democrats treat them like royalty. The time is upon us when it will not be such a hard conclusion to reach.

In a genuine democratic republic the citizens, which I refer to as the Voting Class, direct their own future without the financial burden of having to increase the profits of the non-human, non-voting, non-citizen Corporate Donor Class first. Americans are in the sad condition they find themselves in today because of the financial relationships of the Republican and Democratic Parties with the Corporate Donor Class. The condition of Americans cannot substantially improve until the Corporate Donor Class no longer has an influence on the political decisions of American lawmakers.

That is the problem Americans find themselves awash in. The Republicans and Democrats have left Americans at the proverbial station and now have declared them homeless, worthless and a public nuisance worthy of contempt and not much more. 

The solution to this is a political Party that addresses the bedrock needs of every human family on the proverbial Main Street of  America. This Party would NEVER form a financial relationship with the non-human, non-citizen, non-voting Corporate Donor Class and therefore it would never be indebted to them. 

Americans are ready to make a change. The Corporate Donor Class is more than willing to assist in making that change. If Americans fall for that again they deserve what they get because they are living in the society the Corporate Donor Class and the Republicans and the Democrats decided should be everyday life for the average wage earner in America. If you want more of what the Republican and Democratic Platforms will allow you to have just keep on voting for one of them. Either one will see to it that you end up in the poor house.

But you don't want that. You're sick of endless war, you're sick of your dollar being worth less and less and goods and services costing more and more. You work hard and can't rent a decent room to sleep in.  You get sick and can't afford to go to the doctor. You'd love to work more but you need to take care of your child and there is no childcare provided by society when Republicans and Democrats are in charge. You'll look around yourself at all the others in the same condition and shake your head thinking there's no way your kids or theirs can go to college and escape the poverty trap the Republicans and Democrats and the Corporate Donor Class have set for them. 

You are right to despair if you can only imagine a government that the Corporate Donor Class and the Republicans and the Democrats preside over.  You are wrong if you cannot imagine a Political Party that does not let the non-human Donor Class intrude into the business of The People and still feel that way. The People can, by their vote, disallow that behavior. That's the beauty of small 'd' democracy. The People are in charge of the government's decisions when there is a democracy. The bankers don't call the shots and neither does the Corporate Donor Class. The People themselves, the Voting Class, run the show and the show is for them, The People.

When a democratic government exists The People themselves make the choices that affect their lives and the lives of their neighbors. They would decide whether or not they want to pay for their own healthcare or if they want their taxes to pay for it. The People who work, unlike today, would have workplaces that paid enough for the laborer to enjoy life in society. The People in retirement would have no worries because taxes would insure that their 'Golden Years' were not their 'Garbage Years'. In a small 'd' democracy The People can live for today while planning for the future by educating all who wish to be educated. Like all the other blessings this too would be paid for by the taxes we The People, the Voting Class contribute.  Ain't democracy grand? We could have it if we wanted it bad enough to give up on Republican and Democratic solutions.

The Donor Class rarely pays its share of taxes and rarely is told 'No!' by either a Republican or a Democratic lawmaker. The only democratic way to change this is if there is a political Party made up by members of the Voting Class that will produce a Platform that will  make the improvements that will improve their lives. That Party will have as it's Platform the policies that nourish the working tax paying class as well as those unable to work. We know intuitively what these things are that society at present is lacking and we know how to provide them democratically. We can do it.

In summation we know what the problem is. It's Republicans, Democrats and the non-human, non-voting, non-citizen Corporate Donor Class that have soiled our democratic aspirations. Replacing them with People friendly lawmakers is the only viable way Americans can save themselves.

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.