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Monday, July 30, 2018

Goodbye (poetry)


The driveway packed with cars,
brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews.
Some sit on the steps,
others walk back and forth
taking turns entering the house
and returning to sit on the steps
or pace to and fro
while Jesse lays inside on the last day of his life
saying "goodbye" to everything
but the cancer.

poetry and photography by David H. Roche 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A Big Thank You To U.S. Lawmakers

A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself.
Forests are the lungs of our land, 
purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.


Democracy Now had a report on our nation's relationship with the natural world this morning. Noam Chomsky reveals the peril we have been placed in. 

I am responding to what I heard with the art above.  It should be evident by now that the Republican and Democratic lawmakers in the U.S. are responsible for enabling the disabling of the life supporting capabilities of all the eco-systems and the entire bio-system we depend on for our lives, our personal welfare and our health. The Real News provides the information about government decisions to devalue the viability of the living environment. The report is at the highlighted link..

We need to question if the reasons we are being required to relinquish a living breathing earth for the future are good reasons after all.
Do you even know what those reasons are? America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins discuss some of the reason's at the highlighted link. 

If you wonder what kind of environmental blow-back to expect from your lawmakers decisions regarding the environment Stanford University has put together a list of anticipated consequences related to the impending climate debacle. You can read it for yourself at the highlighted link.
Remember all environmental legislation is made by both Republicans and Democrats working together toward a single goal. Do you know what that goal is?

Now, ask yourselves why your lawmakers are preparing this kind of future for you and your family. What answer did you come up with?

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

News From A Parallel Universe: political satire.

Note to reader. This is not fake news,it is not news at all it is political satire.

News From A Parallel Universe

 In the aftermath of the Trimp - Penis contiguous impeachments a stunned nation began to become introspective. (Link to MSNBC report on similar topic of betrayal of the nation.) The Vice President was also impeached for violating his oath of office and failing to defend the nation by remaining silent in support of President Trimp. 

USA Today has made note of the oath of office that  both the men took while taking up the service of the nation. Following is a quotation from the article. "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

When President Trimp was finally called to account for publicly embarrassing the American people and then telling the world that he trusted Russian Intelligence over American Intelligence Vice President Micky Penis said not a word. He was as silent and as expressionless as a moldy potato as if someone had removed his tongue. He was impeached after it was determined he still had a tongue. No one thought his silence was a good faith example of upholding his oath of office.

The amazing thing is the transition was almost unnoticeable. As was expected the populace was stunned in a way they had never imagined was possible.  

The transitional government took one draconian step which most likely saved society from falling into absolute chaos.  The public sale and consumption of alcohol was made illegal. Every liquor store and bar, every supermarket, every place that sold wine or spirits was forced to cease sales of those items.

Then the transitional government did the unexpected. This is the miracle that saved the day. 

Due to an over production of marijuana in marijuana legal states the transitional government bought up the crops and in every location across the land that had sold alcohol marijuana was substituted. The alcohol ban lasted only a month but was largely credited with keeping  the nation from falling into anarchy. 

Inversely the soothing effect of marijuana replaced the expected blow-back from supporters of the corrupted and disgraced pair. Another result was a temporary shortage of snack foods and soda. When the ban was lifted some of the most hardened Trimp supporters were suggesting that the national anthem be changed to Bob Marley's "Redemption Song".

Somehow the nation had run the gauntlet of the Trimp-Penis Administration and survived and we THE PEOPLE  became stronger and wiser.

And we all lived happily ever after.

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.