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Monday, July 22, 2019

Mother Nature's Many Lives (Poetry)

Mother Nature isn't in danger, she's got more lives than nine cats.  Her life is made from living and dying.  Ours isn't. If we don't live we die. We don't do both and stay alive.  We're going to die anyhow but doing all we can do to meet our fate quicker does not hit me as the right decision to make.  How about you?

It's something to think about.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Some Good Reasons To Expect A Progressive Victory In 2020

The political platform presented by Bernie Sanders is a reflection of the needs not now being met by the present Republican and Democratic administrators of the status quo. The current issues of Medicare for all, fully free education and current education debt forgiveness, an economy that produces employment opportunities enabling the worker to fully participate in the consumer society, an administration directed course of action faithful to the next generation. This moment requires an administration that is fully engaged in addressing the results of changing eco-system viability due to climate change and industrial pollution issues as well as representing America as being a fully inclusive society that does not use race, religion, or gender as a means to determine who the problem causers in society are.

The improvements in society proposed by a Progressive agenda will require government spending in areas long forgotten by Republican and Democratic lawmakers. There is no free lunch you get what you pay for.  At least that is the way it should be.  However it is just the opposite in the U.S. right now.  Right now those who contribute the least financially to society are given the biggest financial rewards by the Republican and Democratic lawmakers who are solely responsible for the way life is unfolding on Main Street.

We should not despair.  The mistakes of the past can be used to pay for social justice today. After all if we are able to provide corporate welfare to those who do not deserve it we can simply put that money to use by giving it back to the taxpayer who paid it to the government in taxes in the first place. That makes a heck of a lot more sense than just handing it willy-nilly to corporate nere-do-wells.

By contributing financially to society I mean the paying of the levied taxes. Everyone who works does this. In contrast there are companies who are able to make untaxed billions in profits because of their donations to the Republican and Democratic lawmakers who make tax loopholes for them.
"If these companies paid the statutory 21 percent federal tax rate, they would owe $16.4 billion in federal income taxes. Instead, they collectively received $4.3 billion in rebates."

These corporations were allowed to get away without paying their share by Republican and Democratic lawmakers who take contributions from these companies and then make laws to help the companies avoid paying their share making the working and middle classes pay damned near the entire bill.  These companies not paying their fair share are in a big part responsible for the economic malaise Main Street Americans are dying from. With that being the case immediate rectification of this problem is obligatory on the part of lawmakers.

Ducking out on the bill is not the only way these creeps get out of paying their way in the world. Sometimes the Republicans and the Democrats just give them money.  It's called subsidies. Do you know who is being given money hand over fist by Republican and Democratic lawmakers? Below in the link is a short list of these corporate panhandlers.
Only eight of the biggest corporate welfare recipients are revealed in this report from Showbiz CheatSheet.  The report reveals the bureaucratic shenanigans employed by Republican and Democratic lawmakers for moving the tax dollars of the working and middle classes to the balance sheets of corporate welfare beneficiaries.  These welfare recipients are real big international corporations that receive the dollars earned by the sweat of Americans, many working multiple low paying jobs and not able to afford a place to live.  And this list includes merely 8 of these easy riders.

The day is coming there will be a raid on the Banks of Marble that claim the workers wealth as their own. Some are saying that day has arrived, some are saying "No, but it is on the way." One thing is sure, the working class and some in the middle class are slowly becoming aware they've been taken to the cleaners by a second class bunch of Republican and Democratic bullshitters.

What the working class and the middle class long divided by an endless succession of Republican and Democratic Punch and Judy shows will do remains to be seen.  I suspect they will join together on the basis that the Progressive issues are human issues and not political issues. I suspect the working class and the middle class will reclaim their humanity and rebuild the U.S. in a way that reflects human, not corporate, values. The Progressive agenda is fundamentally connected to the bedrock human requirements of life and society in the 21st century, that being the case political barriers to unity are revealed as ridiculous and make a Progressive victory possible in 2020.

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

The Knowledge of "Good and "Evil"

The Knowledge of "Good and "Evil"

Sometimes I feel as if something different than what we have been told is happening is actually happening. This morning for instance while watching the news report on Democracy Now I saw something that did not seem right. After thinking about what I had seen I determined it was a good example of the knowledge and practice of 'Good' and 'Evil' put on exhibit for the entire world to take notice. The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian revealed the complete hypocrisy of the Christian Right in support of this Administration in the face of so much easily solved human need.

To bring you up to date:

On the southwestern border of the U.S. there has been created a vast and growing humanitarian crisis of disenfranchised  people who are fleeing for their lives and pleading for help on the proverbial doorstep of the U.S.

The U.S. has responded by imprisoning them and breaking up families in the name of law and order and national security.  Instead of employing it's vast wealth to aid these people the U.S. has turned all its energies to their arrival by providing the most dismal and cruel receptions within the Christian borders of the U.S. where the words of Jesus have been ignored. 

I was provoked by the report from Democracy Now this morning and it dawned on me that this anti-human behavior by the U.S. is an excellent example to use when showing the difference between "Good" and "Evil". Jesus himself used the very same example when he taught about the Judgment Day. As a result of seeing what the U.S. is doing right this very moment I made the poster above. 

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.