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Saturday, September 21, 2019

What Are We Voting For In 2020?

Something is terribly wrong in America.  A national State of Mind, more foul than the water in Flint and Newark and the air in Richmond Ca. has taken possession of the residents of Main Street.  Fear and insecurity once abolished by the knowledge of a paycheck commensurate with their needs and a society to back them up if they should need help are now front and center in the minds of the residents on Main Street once again.  This situation cannot be allowed to continue and this year and next there is for the first time since FDR a real choice for Americans. 

Bernie Sanders has presented a Platform that addresses the worries in the households of Main Street more completely and satisfactorily than the ideas proposed by the other 'Establishment Approved' candidates.

It is the present 'Establishment' that is the opponent of Main Street.  The 'Establishment' is comprised of the forces that combine to influence lawmakers to make laws.  We understand correctly that at this moment that influence is the Corporate People who cannot vote themselves but who donate large sums.  While they cannot vote they are allowed to influence American elections and social life by giving money to Republican and Democratic Politicians and the organizations that support those Politicians.  Does it make sense to you that someone forbidden to vote can donate money and have laws made to benefit them?  

There is an inherent conflict of interest when a non-voting entity contributes any money at all, let alone substantial amounts,to 'Establishment Politicians' and in return obtains favorable legislation. This is the situation we refer to as the present 'Status Quo' and it is the cause of virtually all of the concerns on the minds of those trying to scratch out a living on Main Street.  Most Americans would like a more equitable Status Quo.

Bernie Sanders is the only viable candidate addressing the problem of the present 'Establishment' and the present 'Status Quo' which the present 'Establishment' regards as being normal.  It may be normal in the eyes of Republican and Democratic lawmakers but it is an unacceptable quality of daily life for the average American. But that is what is being offered to the People today by the Republican and Democratic Parties.  It's time to stop this one day older and deeper in debt program.   An old best selling song from 1956 at the link describes the workers problem and it showcases the needs of the workers that any society worth keeping seeks to provide in order to keep it from being a wage-slave colony.

The Sanders candidacy in the midst of the present national social failure has made me consider what is the purpose of a government in the first place if it is not to make life easier and more secure than life without a government?  So far neither Republicans or Democrats have proven themselves up to the task of making life easier and more secure.  Instead our money doesn't go as far as it is needed to go and President Trump is seeing to it that the problems are going to get worse.   (link to Forbes Magazine article by  Yuwa Hedrick-Wong ) Trump, as most of his predecessors, has been no help at all except for a very few not of the working and middle classes.  For information of wealth disparity in the U.S.  can inform you. 

Sanders proposals address the basic needs of those who live and move and have their being on Main Street. He proposes healthcare as a given, education a given, equitable employment a given, his vision is the vision we need it addresses our needs.  His vision is explained at his website.  

So what is the purpose of Government?  Some might say immediately to keep us secure and safe!  I would ask: "Do you remember 9/11/ 2001, when those paid to protect us claimed a complete and total lack of knowledge of even the possibility of such an attack?"  That failure lead to the subsequent failure to protect us!  Were our protectors asleep at the wheel?  Are you any safer today? If you were safer would you keep being informed by the Corporate Media and your Public Servants of all the dangers surrounding you and how impotent they are to do anything but build a wall?   

When the person in charge of this kind of activity gives the explanation Ms. Rice gives a question of whether or not we are being protected at all justly arises.  She had no clue and was caught totally by surprise by her own admission. That failure was not only a major failure on her part but it calls the whole concept of security into question.  Are you secure now?  

In this context the need to find an answer to the question of "what is the purpose of a government?" becomes imperative.  In an era such as this with the government in the control of corporate hands and operating for the benefit of those who comprise the corporate Donor Class a Sanders candidacy is like a white dove from heaven.  At the very least it is the first step up the ladder from the bottom.

Have a nice day.

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Would you wear this T Shirt?

While watching the burlesque 
of Trump-dom  unfold in real time 
the thoughts on the T Shirt 
appeared in my mind.  

If you'd like to wear one  you can, hopefully, obtain one  by clicking the image below.

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.