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Sunday, November 22, 2020

He's Attempting A Coup: (poetry}

The world is watching to see if the Trump / Republican Coup attempt will be successful.  I personally hope it fails. Democracy and liberty are being weighed in the balances by American politicians right now. It is not something the Average American has ever considered could, or would, happen.  But Trump changed everything and now we are seeing an attempted coup right before our very eyes.  The Young Turks Cenk Uygur has some commentary that inspired the poem below.

The terrible problem Americans are facing is that those supporting President Trump are not fans of the Voting Class of Americans. The in your face facts have been that in this time of great trouble Republicans and Democrats have been less than useless and decidedly harmful to the wellbeing of the residents of Main Street America.

(found after posting pertinent information from Democracy Now) 

Politically powerful members of the Republican Party are doing all they can to subvert the voting process and pervert the outcome of the election. That is what an attempted coup looks like to outside observers. In the meantime Democrats have been as useless as the Republicans have been harmful. 

This leaves me wondering if Americans have accepted that this is the way it must be and will just give up and let it get worse and worse until all hope is a pleasant memory we once took comfort in.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Has The American Experiment Involving Democracy Failed? Election Issue


The last four years have been trying for those who live in America.  The reason for this is that the rhetoric of Donald Trump has had the effect of removing the veneer of political correctness that had functioned as a facade creating the illusion of civil equanimity.  (After posting I found that The Young Turks had produced a retrospective on the Trump Administration.  Enjoy.)

Note: I came across an article in AlterNet by Nathaniel Manderson that discusses the same ideas in this article. It's refreshing to know others have similar ideas.


The effects of the President refusing to accept the verdict of THE PEOPLE has left many Americans asking how they could have been bamboozled to the point of considering giving up the democratic republic created by the writers of the constitution to be ruled by the whims of a man like Donald Trump.

Having nearly 50 percent of the American electorate willing to dispose of the democratic process in favor of a big mouthed braggart has left the community of nations shaking it's collective  head in disbelief. Whether the majority of Americans want a representative form of government is a question waiting to be answered.

How much of the last four years has been on the up and up? If we can take William Casey at his word, the words 'Mission Accomplished' fit the mood and mind of the Republican and Democratic created status quo.  If you're not bewildered from trying to make sense of what's happening you have not been paying attention.

Americans have been run through the ringer and hung out to dry by the complicity of the Republican and Democratic Parties. Neither one of these Parties behaved as if the vitality of democracy was something that concerned them as they went about their duties during the Trump Administration.

Both the Republicans and the Democrats agreed to help the Wall Street class and dump on Main Street.  The decision of Republicans and Democrats to turn their back on Main Street and let average Americans suffer in order to keep Wall Street profits high holds many lessons. Have the American People learned those lessons?

One lesson that can be garnered from the past four years is that Republican and Democratic lawmakers are not producing the help needed by the Average American during the COVID crisis.  They have shown themselves to be good at lying and finger pointing and not much else when it comes to making life easier on Main Street.

Average Americans need living wage jobs, healthcare, education, a place to live, safe workplaces and a government of elected representatives that responds to the needs of the Voting Class without having to have their arms twisted.

We've seen, throughout this four year ordeal, that the Republican and Democratic Parties have acted in concert seeing to it that the suffering of the American People continued unabated. Escaping responsibility for the condition of American society is not possible for them because it has been Republican and Democratic lawmakers making ALL THE DECISIONS. Therefore they hold all the responsibility for the present condition Americans find themselves in.

With the consequences of the last four years of Republican and Democratic malfeasance there has arisen from the hearts of the American People the desire for a government that exists to benefit the Average American. 

The American People have begun to question why they have a government that treats them this way. They are not content with what the Republicans and the Democrats have done to them. Americans are asking why their government is not responsive to their needs.  The answer many arrive at is that Republicans and Democrats simply have another agenda and other more pressing concerns than the needs of average working class American voters.

The solution some Americans are considering is a THIRD PARTY.  A Party with a pro-human agenda. A Party that would require that the resources of the nation serve the People of the nation. This Party would represent human beings rather than the non-voting Donor Class that is the special concern of Republican and Democratic lawmakers. This Third Party would make real the promises a democratic republic makes. This would be a truly revolutionary Party.

What do you think Americans will do? Will they keep things the way they are? Or will they decide they've had enough and make the necessary changes?

Have a nice day.

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.