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Monday, January 08, 2018

A Rant, A Poem, A Prayer To Be Delivered From Evil

A little rant after seeing how the rat bastards that run our government are going about starving off the poor. It was done to the Natives of the 19th and 20th centuries right here in the land of the rich, the white and the economically mobile. Now in the 21st century the poor working class of any color or race is the last remaining target of the oligarchic criminal class currently making laws and making life miserable for almost all of us.

Got a notice from the Daily Kos on the topic of the government thinking of more ways to hurt those who need help. That seems to be DT's goal. Once again it is by removing food from those who need it.
Rant below

The motherfuckers are going to reduce the amount of food the poor have... once more.
All I can think right now is to say: Fuck you Republicans and Democrats.
Just fuck you. And I don't mean it in a love making way
I mean fuck you!

I'm hungry.
I know people hungry and hurting,
I'm one of them.
And you rat bastards riding the gravy train are gonna cut food stamps so those hurting the most hurt even more? What does Mike Pence think of this?

Fuck you. You're not out of your mind:
you've lost you're goddamned soul.
You're not stupid!
You're goddamned evil,
the spawn of Satan...
Fuck you.

You're starving the people in Yemen too.
You bastards must love starving people.
I get the feeling its part of your religion.
the "for profit only" religion.
Does Mike Pence agree with taking food from those in need?
Lord save us!!!!!!


End of rant.
It kind of turned into a poem as I was writing and then when reading it I thought some politically minded musicians, poets etc could make something of this which would have a positive impact with regard to social change.

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.