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Saturday, November 03, 2018

The Death Of the border (poetry and art)

"The Death Of Love" and "Faces" are two poems I wrote about what I saw happening. I was distraught over the program of exporting endless war and endless misery.  The horror of this policy goes beyond reason.  Years ago I wrote a poem titled "The Warlords" This video on the topic of the attempted coup against FDR appears to answer the question asked in the The Warlords. It may also explain the Trump Administrations fear of immigrants. I find myself thinking: "Can Trump's malicious, divisive nationalism cause the kind of behavior seen in the video"?

The Warlords
After reading Du Fu, “Advent of Spring”

The warriors have ruled
from time immemorial.
They have come and gone and come again
time after time:

nations, princes, and kings one after another
building on the pile of corpses
stacked beneath their feet.
None have served the people honestly.

Who has given them control?
Where have they come from?
Will they ever leave us alone
to raise our families
and die in our own beds
with our children by our side?

Their grip is on our neck
and they force us
to our grave
in their search for
others to plunder.

They cannot live without war;
it is their meat and drink
as ours is the hearth
and the embrace of our lovers.

They declare those who cry for
peace and complain of war
‘enemies of the state’
and seek to silence them

while we the people are victims
of their lust
and made to pay for their
desires to be satisfied.

Will they ever leave us alone
to raise our families
and die in our own beds

with our children by our side?

Enjoy the poems in the videos below

It only takes a generation
for politicians with eyes for war
to bring forgetfulness upon the people
who wanted war no more.

I made the poster, below, yesterday about what I see happening presently. Denying immigration, especially, at this time a year is a slap in the face to American history by this Administration. Instead of sending troops, what should have been done was to have sent personnel to process the refugees and give then a Thanksgiving welcome. With that in mind it only makes sense that Thanksgiving be cancelled this year.


Rights are meant to be used the way you use muscles.  
You need to use your rights everyday or run the risk of losing them.  
If you don't use your muscles they atrophy.
Rights are your Civil Rights muscles.

(C) David H. Roche 

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.