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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Soon To Be A Lame Duck (Poem and commentary)

I was vacuuming the rug listening to a news commentary on the TV and when my back said to stop I sat down.  What was on the screen now was a half empty hall of people amassed and milling in front of a podium.  An old tune by the Rolling Stones "She's A Rainbow" was playing.  The song was from the 1967 album, "Their Satanic Majesties Request".  I couldn't help but pause and think about that irony after realizing this was the President's rally in Tulsa.  After smoking my pipe a few moments I sat and watched waiting for my back to feel good enough to finish the rug.

It wasn't long before the President entered to applause from the half filled arena. I wondered how those in the overflow arena were doing. For some reason he made me think of a turd in the shape of a man with orange skin and a face with moving lips on one end. I had never thought of such a description until he entered the arena. On the other hand the few in attendance reacted as if the God they worshipped had entered the room.

The President felt compelled to give a long involved explanation to clear the air as to why he walked funny and had to hold his glass with two hands while he was at West Point. Some have suggested Parkinson's disease as the reason.  He explained that on the day at West Point he had worn shoes with "leather souls". He was right on his game in Tulsa. He dressed for the Tulsa event with rubber souls on his shoes even though it was an indoor venue and hadn't rained the entire day. He gave an illustration of his walking skills that reminded me of a poor imitation of Chuck Berry without a guitar. 

He also demonstrated his ability to drink water without spilling any on his nice red tie. He explained to the thrill of the audience, which now was enraptured by his every word, how on that day at West Point he had been exhausted from sitting and being obligated to wave 600 times and then having to stand upright and speak. It's a reminder to me I'm as old as he is and all I had to do was vacuum the rug before my back gave out.  When you get up in years those things bother you. Donald is surely feeling his years. 

But he was in his glory in Tulsa; smiling, acting proud and invincible; cocky some might say. The crowd loved it and was transported to ecstasy by his every word as he bragged about all he had done and what he stood for and how a future under his leadership would be better than anyone could imagine. He made no mention of finishing the wall project which is, he said, supposed to protect us. This might be a good time to remember that it is a difficult task to point to a promise the President has kept. Furthermore every great thing he has accomplished is in the future which never arrives but is always just around the corner.

Some of the things he talked about were that he was now in favor of all religions.  It is not difficult to remember how he once, a short while ago, felt about Islam.  Now, apparently, all that has changed. The crowd seemed to love it because he had said it.  Whether they remembered what he had said before is anyone's guess. 

To applause from the small crowd he reminded them of the great number of extremist right wing judges he had appointed and that he had spent 2 trillion dollars upgrading the military with stuff made entirely in the U.S.  He went on to mention the 2nd amendment and some other things important to the Tulsa audience.  

I do not remember him speaking in favor of freedom of the press. He did, however, take time to speak against the protected speech of flag burning. Perhaps that is why he mentioned only half of the 1st amendment.  

If he isn't fully in favor of all the 1st amendment and what the Supreme Court says is completely okay speech can the President be trusted to protect and defend the constitution if he feel's that way about it?

At this point I noticed that the part in his hair was wider than I had previously noticed exposing his bare scalp much more than previously. I had noticed that bald spot for the first time on the day he suggested the use of disinfectants for COVID-19. 

Tonight he jumped from one topic to another like an orange monkey in the tree tops swinging from one branch to another.  At some point he was blaming China for some supposed harm.  The crowd loved the China bashing. One of the funniest things he said was that if AOC were in charge of energy the results would make the COVID-19 pandemic look like "child's play".  That made me laugh and fill my pipe again when he said that. 

He blamed Democrats, Radicals, Anarchists, Joe Biden and his son and a number of others for everything that's wrong now. He complained about the experiment in democracy going on in Seattle and mentioned Radical Maniacs, who would understand immediately why it would not be good to nuke a hurricane but were Radical Maniacs just the same.

He lamented that he had saved hundreds of thousands of lives and had not gotten the credit due him from the fake news. He wants to be sure your kids are side by side in school again very soon claiming only a very few young kids die from COVID-19.  That should reassure all parents with gambling habits. At one point he bragged about his immense wealth in contrast to the experience of most Americans.

I wrote a poem after experiencing the event.

Soon To Be A Lame Duck

He's soon to be a lame duck,
already he's a dumb fuck
always finding ways to make a buck
now looking for a new scam 
to play on those that trust a man 
who promises concrete
but delivers only sand.

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.