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Saturday, September 05, 2020

It Just Keeps Getting Crazier And Crazier

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It Just Keeps Getting Crazier And Crazier.  America now has a President who disrespects those who have been unfortunate enough to have suffered for the good of their fellow Americans.  Rachel Maddow  has the down low on this. 

I would think the President's stated opinions of wounded veterans (CBS News at link) would discourage people from serving in the military with him as Commander In Chief.  Who would serve a man who thinks so little of the worth of the life and health of his own soldiers?

Does the President view the soldiers as 'renewable resources'? 

Americans have some soul searching to do. (Poem by Allen Ginsberg at the link) A good number of Americans are doubtful of a positive or desirable outcome from the planning of Trump and the Republican Party for the future of the nation. 

I'm just hoping a majority of Americans can defeat the President's plans to fuck up the election. I hope we as a nation are able to reject this impostor to the Republic.

I've made up my mind that my vote will be for Biden if the President is unsuccessful in his attempts to keep me from voting. The President may yet succeed in corrupting the outcome of the election.  There's nothing I can do about it so I've made lifestyle changes with the intent to lessen the stress produced by the ongoing social unrest caused by Donald Trump's policies.  

I've stopped watching the news more than a few minutes a day because it is non-stop aggravation and unsettling information that is unnecessary since I have made up my mind.  

Since I am certain Trump is as un-American as a man can become  (link to The Damage Report)I do not need to be further angered by hearing the increasingly distressing accounts of the growing madness that is stalking the halls and rooms of the White House and spreading like a pandemic through the hearts and minds of his followers, the TRUE BELIEVERS. The Damage Report reveals more.

Instead,I decided to make my own sanctuary and grow a garden and feed birds and let the madness blow past.  It's all either going to hell or Americans will save themselves from Trump and the Republicans and the Christian Sharia value system of the religious right.

For some reason I am unable to share the embed code that displays the video.  Here is the link.  That's one of the new features Google has incorporated.  

Hopefully the election will reveal that Trump has been voted from office and the Republican Party has been irrevocably and completely disgraced as a byproduct of it's allegiance to the Trump Presidency.  That would be nice to wake up some morning post election and find out that was true, wouldn't it?

Maybe the day will arrive when a squad of wounded marine veterans and active military in wheel chairs, with crutches and artificial limbs will have the privilege of escorting him from the White House to Leavenworth.

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.