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Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Reason Americans Need A Third Political Party: among other things


America is sick and the entire world knows it. A quick look around at the events happening on a daily basis confirm this assessment. Social dysfunction is normative. 

A partial list of social ills follows. Mass shootings, road rage, the 'Karen' phenomenon, gangs of robbers operating with impunity.  If that isn't bad enough the corporate Donor Class has promoted public corruption from top to bottom. 

Obviously all is far from being well in the U.S. and it seems right that The People tell the Republicans and Democrats to take a hike while 'we the People' fix America up the way we want it. Why don't we do that?

That being said, to criticize Biden (Democratic Party) or to criticize Trump (Republican Party) and vote accordingly is what the American electorate is expected to do. Unfortunately, as it turns out, the Republicans and the Democrats are in large part the cause of the utter chaos American society finds itself in RIGHT NOW. 

The history of Americans allowing themselves to be polarized by the Republican and Democratic Parties is manifested in this one brutal statistic. This statistic reveals the actual status of democracy in the U.S. and unfortunately the information exposes the great difference between what American Government says and what it actually does. Most didn't need to be told that something ain't right. Every American should be alarmed at that report.

Are Americans just stuck in a rut? All they have been able to think of is having either the Republicans or the Democrats address the social problems. No one seems to remember at election time that it was Republicans and Democrats that ran America into the ground in the first place.

 Republicans and Democrats broke it and, so far, they have demonstrated they are incapable of producing a remedy. The tragic part of this is that they might not even know what it was they did that broke America. 

Don't you think it's time to get wise to their inability to manage the economy? If we want to improve the lot of wage earning and other low income or otherwise socially disenfranchised Americans radical changes must be envisioned and carried out by the electorate. 

Only Republicans and Democrats had a hand in creating the present situation and they spend their time blaming one another for the current status of society. This results in the voting Citizen suffering the consequences of the Republican and Democrat loyalty to the corporate non-citizen, non-voting Donor Class.

Replacing Republican and Democratic lawmakers with socially responsible lawmakers is the only sensible option. This would require a third Party with completely different characteristics than possessed by either Republicans or Democrats.

Lo and behold there is such a Party! It's name is The People's Party. The People's Party would be the only real alternative to a future of more of the same failures which Republicans and Democrats have produced since the days of Harry Truman.

This dismal moment in American life and the arduous path to this moment portend a future no one wants to face. The majority of inequity in American society is the result of the relationship between our lawmakers and the non-citizen, non-voting corporate Donor Class.  Neither the Republicans or the Democrats will stop taking money from these sources and that is why Republicans and Democrats can only be a thorn in the side of those who desire a representative democracy. 

An elected representative cannot serve the non-citizen, non-voting corporate Donor Class and the Citizen Voter faithfully at the same time. The State religion, Christianity agrees. It simply cannot be done. The representative will favor one over the other meaning one (corporate donor or voting Citizen) will have an advantage over the other. In America the way it works out is that the non-citizen, non-voting corporate Donor Class is first in line and  gets the lion's share of government handouts. That practice is the root of societies biggest injustice.

The voting Citizen is now obligated to live in a society that is self destructing as I type and you read. That is not the way it should be, it's not the way we want it to be.  It is an example of Republicans and Democrats governing.

Heads up. A worthwhile government promotes the general welfare. But Republicans and Democrats are not onboard with that agenda, neither can they be. The reason is that it would require the corporate Donor Class to pay taxes in lieu of donating to elected representatives of the American People.

The Republican and Democratic Parties on behalf of the corporate Donor Class have tag teamed the U.S. electorate for as long as I've been alive. In that time society has been in continual decline as a result.  The New Deal was a good deal as long as it lasted. 

But the rejuvenating effects lasted at most from it's beginning in the Great Depression until the 70's.  In the early 70's the oil producing nations joined together to hold the U.S. hostage by refusing to deliver oil on demand. 

For one reason or another the U.S. governed by Republicans and Democrats agreed and caved in to them. Today price for gasoline is as high as $4 a gallon in the U.S. instead of .36 cents a gallon. The oil embargo ruined our economy and the Republicans and the Democrats cooperated and let them get away with it without so much as sending a fleet of ships with a message.

The bottom line is Republicans and Democrats are not able to do more than make things worse.  That's about all they've done so far! The present moment in the U.S. is the result of all their labors on behalf of the American People. 

Don't you think it is time to say "Thanks, but no thanks" and check out what The People's Party has in mind? I bet if 'we the People put our heads together we could come up with some much needed improvements right away. 

How does a living wage that allows you to enjoy society sound to you? How about paid healthcare? How does free higher education and affordable comfortable housing as a mainstay of a political platform sound? 

Is such a platform worth supporting? How many Republicans and Democrats are promoting those programs?  Why would you support a political Party that is indebted to the non-voting, non-citizen corporate Donor Class instead of you? 

According to the rules of democratic movements 'we the people' can make the kind of society we choose for ourselves.  Take a look around, is this what you hope to achieve? Probably not, but it is the result of electing Republicans and Democrats to do a job they are ideologically unable to perform. I bet 'we the People' can do a lot better than Republicans and Democrats have managed so far.

(Editor's note.  I am not associated with The People's Party other than finding their agenda to be 'just what the doctor ordered' for what ails American society today. I mention them only as an alternative I myself would choose if I were attempting to set American society on the right path.)

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.