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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Reality Check: Comparing the Kennedy / Nixon Debate With The Trump / Biden 'Debate'



Reality Check: 

Presidential Debates Past and Present

When compared with what we've seen so far between Trump and Biden, Presidential debates in the past reveal vast differences in decorum and candidate behavior between then until now.

I took a look back at the Kennedy / Nixon debate and then the current election years Trump / Biden 'debate'. Both debates are complete.  The difference between the two is astonishing isn't it? (Both debates at highlighted links.)

What happened between the time of Kennedy and Trump to transform the Presidential debates from a serious production with serious contestants discussing solutions to world problems into a side show?  We saw something very different in the so called Trump /Biden 'debate' than what we saw in the Kennedy / Nixon debate.  

The Trump / Biden 'debate' resembled an argument between two senile residents in a geriatric community confronting one another over an old dispute from high school. I was sickened at the sight. And then the President and his staff come down with COVID...or so they want you to believe.

What differences did you make note of between the two debates and the four contestants?  Which debate seemed more appropriate to a debate between two men seeking the office of President of the United States? Which one made you ask yourself: "What the hell is going on?" In the Trump / Biden 'debate' I thought the President behaved like an unruly high school student who needed to be sent to the principal's office.

From history we know Kennedy won the election and while President averted nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union and inspired a nation of young people to serve their country.

Kennedy inspired the creation of the Peace Corps and introduced the nation to the space age following the Soviet Union's lead. The Soviet Union was the first in space and the space race was on. History flowing from the Kennedy Administration reminds us of those things.

From Trump's history we know of one business failure after another from Mr. Trump.  If his Administration has inspired anyone it is not the current generation which is facing a collapsing, polluted and unhealthy eco-system in which to reproduce and raise their young. Who has Trump inspired? Oh yeah he inspired the Michigan 13. What kind of a future does that inspiration portend?

Questions for the reader:

1. What do you think America will be like if Trump remains President? 

2. How did we get in this fix?

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.