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Sunday, August 13, 2017

It's Worse Than First Imagined: the continuing saga of Donald Trump and the woes of the American people

It's worse than first imagined.  The problem confronting and disrupting the lives of the American People is NOT merely Donald Trump.

The President has, as may be indicated by the following NY Times video, had the effect of a rabble rouser with some segments of the population.  What prompted me to write is the so called 'Alt-Right' incident in Charlottesville, Virginia, recently.  The Washington Post has a predictable, well conceived piece of reporting condemning the incident written by Petula Dvorak.

I supported neither Trump or Clinton. I felt both were equally capable of creating more problems (wars) to spend tax money on. I am not as eager to lay the blame at the feet of Trump as easily as some are willing to do. It takes two to tango. The American people own a lot of the responsibility for what happened in Charlottesville as we approach the anniversary of peace and love known as Woodstock.

What I mean is that Trump's attitude would not have been so contagious if there were not sensibilities that resonated with his words and his attitude. While it may truthfully, in my opinion, be said that Trump's words and demeanor aided and abetted a rise of unpleasant attitudes in this nation he could not have been successful if a number of folks didn't already agree. 

Leaders, after all, get their power from followers and the two feed off of each other like a breeder reactor until a critical moment is reached. Now it is apparent that what some voices have told us was rising up in the hearts and minds of the people is NOW materializing, like an evil spirit, in the streets of the cities. 

The seed of hate has been planted, we are witnessing the approach of harvest. The voices previously raised in warning have turned out to be prophetic. Is this when, we who have sown, must now reap the whirlwind? Karma can be a bitch!

I was about 10 years of age when this behavior of not allowing some people to participate in society was 'socially acceptable' and enforced by law.  Bull Connor, the 'commissioner of public safety' in Birmingham Alabama is a classic example of such behavior.  

Since those days America and Americans have struggled to live up to the American ideal of every human being having civil liberties. Sometimes violently using the law and tradition as a cloak for anti-human behavior the ideals that make America unique came under attack from within Americans themselves. It's as if America could not live up to it's proclaimed ideals.  I wonder if it can. 

Poverty is the result of poor social planning and has multiple effects on society which are negative. The oppressive administration of the economy by the Republican and Democratic lawmakers has exacerbated the decaying social climate creating conditions of social unease and trepidation.

Unemployment, crime, drug addiction, oppression of children and disease comprise only a partial list of the ills associated with poverty. 

I found an informative website titled Poverties (click the link) which reveals the relationship of poverty to the inhumane conditions facing many people in the world today. The website shows how the web of poverty ruins every aspect of society.  Removing poverty may not be the total answer, but I'm willing to think it's about 90 percent of the answer.

My personal feeling is that we need to rethink how to redistribute the income generated by the forces within society.  I'm sure there are a lot of ways to go about this, some better than others.  But if something is not done to make a radical departure from making decisions in the way that have produced these intolerable social consequences the condition of those on the planet will not experience any benefit. If radical fundamental changes are not made of necessity conditions must worsen. Living conditions must continue to deteriorate and sicken if effective corrective action is not taken to reorganize how the economy is administered.

The bottom line is that we have to change our mind about how we go about being Americans and maintaining liberty and justice for all. Rethinking how the economy affects society and what can be done to make the necessary changes is an imperative. 

It is not necessary that society will always have areas of economic dysfunction if the citizens have sufficient means of participating. The current explanation, given by the Republican and Democratic administrators of the economy, has not been challenged effectively by presenting a viable alternative. In a society that requires the free flow of money for the economy to prosper, insuring that the citizen has employment is imperative. In lieu of a job, a disbursement adequate to allow the citizen to participate and enjoy society needs to be established.  In a situation like that society's river doesn't dry up, it keeps flowing. It keeps on Truckin' when there is NO debt... and we're not living on a plantation!

We must change our minds. That is because a large number have forgotten that a very important part of what America means it means for the guy or gal next door as well as oneself. That's the part that has gotten lost in the shuffle of society playing against the backdrop of the current economic miasma which in turn has made people desperate concerning their own future.  

And then a demagogue like Trump rises up fanning the coals of their discontent to life and gives them a social viability that is alien to all that is traditionally American in nature. It is when one is big on his or her own rights and not equally big on the rights of the guy or gal next door that we find ourselves in a state of disorder. The economy at present is being administered with the goal of serving the needs of a class so wealthy those within it have no neighbors.  It is this situation which makes the 'have nots' very fearful... and potentially dangerous! 

Often the average Jane or Joe has no idea who the real enemy of their wellbeing is. If, by chance, they do discover what the problem is and speak out they will often find themselves ostracised by fellow victims. 

The future Trump appears to be proceeding toward has many fearing there will not be a future worth inheriting.  

The U.S. is in a state of disorder. It's politicians are debating whether the citizen's life and wellbeing deserve a meaningful insurance program. In a humane society such an idea would be a given, but not for those who think like Republican and Democratic politicians. 

If a radical change is to occur politicians must begin to stop making laws that serve the healthcare industry and begin thinking about making laws that serve the needs of the voter. That is how radical the change must be.  It is unlikely such an idea lurks in the philosophy that guides the thoughts of the Republican and Democratic guardians of the economy. If a change for the better does not appear to be forthcoming...

 I recommend the following information

that's why you have civil rights!

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.