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Friday, August 05, 2016

The Electoral Farce Of 2016

As it will come to be understood the Presidential election of 2016 was a stage play contrived by the RNC and DNC as a farce, with a bad plot and a cast of characters so unbelievable as to make you grip your sides to keep from hurting yourself while laughing at their comments. The purpose of this political theater was to maintain the illusion that Americans had a choice in selecting their leaders. It is up to you to decide why you were given Dumbos, Bozos and Carpetbaggers to make your selection from.  You may decide to not to decide.

True to form the RNC provided the most obnoxious and unsuitable candidates to select from.  Ben Carson is undoubtedly the most unsuitable candidate in any Presidential election in the history of the United States.  Carson wins the Stepin Fetchit / Buckwheat awards for showing up and smiling and comparing America to Nazi Germany.  Way to whip up the rabble Ben! Where do they get these people? I'm thinking someone left the loony-bin unattended. I'm thinking it was Reagan who opened the doors of the loony-bin in support of the drug industry.  As a highlight to his failed performance as a candidate Carson has endorsed Donald Trump for the office of President. He as taken upon himself the task of making the USA great once more.  I have no idea what he means and I'm not sure its a good idea.  Mediocre is okay with me.

Of course the RNC and their ilk chose the most reprehensible candidate available to them to run for President of the U.S. which is Donald Trump. The overall honor of the worst possible choice went to the Democrats who rigged their process to favor Hillary Clinton and then convinced themselves that everything is on the up and up by allowing her to run for President as a Democrat.  At least the Democrats were ready for battle while the Republicans were left wondering if they had heard their candidate describing his penis or if it had been a bad, really bad dream.

What is making things really embarrassing for the Republicans is that Donald Trump is really just like them minus the veneer of civilization that they cloak their intent with. They feel he is right, but cannot agree because  it would be politically incorrect. What the Republicans are seeing when they look at Trump and are aghast is that they recognize themselves in his sentiments.  When the RNC looks at Trump they are looking into a mirror. The Republicans have not been able to choose a value they can stick with. 

They chose the values of the religious right 4 decades ago and now are giving them up to maintain a voting edge in a world that rejects those values.

Now the Republicans have chosen a man to lead them who is able to insult a mother whose son died defending the nation. Trump can do this because Republicans are no longer mother friendly.  That is something mothers should think about the next time a Republican and or a Democrat wants to start a war. Just say "No more cannon fodder for you Republicans and Democrats." Just when you thought the nation could sink no lower than the Bush / Cheney years... UP POPS TRUMP!  Trump may well be remembered as the Archie Bunker of Presidential candidates.

Of course it takes two to tango.  Clinton is no angel, but she has a couple things going for her that mark her as superior to Trump.  1.  She is not a buffoon. 2.  She's on the side that always wins.  The sheer number of scandals that Hillary Clinton has been associated with but yet remained 'officially' un-tainted by, is enough to make an honest heart shiver.

While Trump is a bozo, a buffoon and a scandal Clinton is more dangerous to the public welfare.  She is like a cancer cell living among healthy cells, or a weasel in a henhouse. Everything she is involved with is tainted by her involvement.  She voted to begin the endless war in the middle east and then when it was dying down kick started it in Libya. Now she wishes to superintend the future she had a part in planning for America.

The people who have supported Hillary Clinton do not have your best interests at heart. Most of those supporting Hillary are for profit corporations whose allegiance is to themselves and their stockholders. Take a look.  Here is a very long list of rich donors who expect reciprocity from Hillary Clinton.  She won't let them down, that's why she is in the position she is in today she's never let those who give her money down.


The 2016 Presidential election is more like a joke, a staged farce.  The DNC is allowed to cheat and the fruits of their cheating are presented as the peoples choice. The RNC is allowed to produce a string of incompetent candidates and then the people are told they have a choice.  You really cannot be thinking you have a choice if you're choosing between two lies! Get real. The people who run this clown show want to keep you as believers.

The RNC raided the looney bin and while Sara Palins luster has worn off two more idiots were available.  The RNC produced Dr. Ben 'crazy talk' Carson and Donald 'dickhead' Trump.  These two outrageous imbeciles joined together to make a mockery of the GOP while lowering the caliber of political debate to a level found in grade school bathrooms.  It appears the RNC may have pee'd in it's own chili.

While some of the antics are funny it may be that there is a reason for the farcical treatment of a Presidential election during the most serious period in American history. Can it be all the hoopla is meant as a distraction?  A distraction from what? Could it be there are 'people' who are profiting from endless war?  If so you can bet Hillary Clinton is their 'Girl Friday'

I can't vote for Trump anymore than I could vote for David Duke. I can't vote for Clinton anymore than I could bring myself to vote for the Devil. (figure of speech). 

There is the Green Party.  What I like about their approach is that they want to produce solutions which make living in society easier for actual human beings rather than the 'corporate people' that are served by the RNC and the DNC.

I'm not optimistic about the chances human beings have to extract themselves from the problems the governments of the world have created.  Let's be clear it is those who make the laws who have created the present reality.  Unless you're happy with the current mess created by the current governments it might be the right time to consider an alternative to the capitalist endless war model of the economy that is at the root of all societies problems.  Pope Francis has spoken on the topic.  The question is out in the open and it's time for the discussion to go primetime. Is it possible the message of the Pope and the message of Eugene V. Debs go well together?  I find it interesting that Bernie's message hasn't moved from the foundational points that he maintained in his campaign.  Bernie's time may be in the future, this year the DNC and the RNC and their partisans have turned their back on him and the people have not yet been awakened.

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.