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Monday, January 27, 2014

What Does Poverty Mean? (Or Did Marie Antoinette Have It Coming?) a political poem with original art

What Does Poverty Mean? 
(Or Did Marie Antoinette Have It Coming?)

Among other things poverty means
eating dried rice and beans every day,

it means counting raisins
and scrimping on sugar for the oatmeal.

It means asking a friend if she can lend
enough coffee to get you to the first of the month,

it means milk, butter and eggs
cost more than you have,

it means toast and peanut butter,
but no jelly. 

Poverty defines life,
it narrows it, it pinches it.

It means late notices,
and power shut off ,

it replaces well-being with despair

Marie Antoinette had it coming…
didn't she?

"Jack" and "Qkjea", represented below, represent the divine spirit in mankind.  Like Jesus, they are on the side of the poor, on the side of those downtrodden by political acts. 

If you quiet your mind you will hear "Jack" and "Qkjea" speaking to you. "Which side are you on?"

Poetry and Art (C) 2014 by David H. Roche

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A practitioner of the art of living with the intent of learning how to die without fear.